2025 Sponsors
The sponsors of our fourth conference align with the ACND vision to walk side by side neurodivergent people. Their sponsorships make it possible for the Australian Conference of Neurodevelopmental Disorders to attract world leaders in the neurodevelopmental space.
We are very proud to present the sponsors of ACND’s 2025 Conference.
Conference Partners

The homeplace of the Australian Conference of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, the Door of Hope complex in Launceston is home to a range of facilities and organisations servicing the community.
In 2021, the Door of Hope Conference Centre hosted our second conference.

Business Events Tasmania (BET) is a specialist bidding organisation responsible for marketing Tasmania as a business event destination.
A not-for-profit member organisation, BET offers specialist bidding services to attract business events to Tasmania – in turn, their work helps to attract global talent, encourage trade and investment, nurture collaboration, foster innovation and provide social benefits statewide. Backed by their strong local relationships, BET works in collaboration with the Tasmanian State Government to attract and support strategically valuable business to the Tasmanian economy.
For over 30 years, Business Events Tasmania has taken a lead role in promoting Tasmania as a business event destination to national and international associations, corporate organisations and event planners.

S. Group is a multi-disciplinary studio based in Launceston, Hobart and Melbourne. Specialising in commercial and residential architecture, and well as strategic branding and marketing, S. Group is guided by their vision to create wonder in the world.
The team at S. Group don’t just get a kick out of the creative pursuits they undertake with clients, but also through their philanthropy. S. Group is actively involved with and supporting numerous community projects, at home and abroad, including the Launceston City Mission, the Victory School of Hope in Vanuatu, Compassion International, The Good Shepherd Agricultural Mission, and Kiva.
Conference Supporters

Become a sponsor
We invite you to join us as a key partner of our 2025 conference.
Sponsoring ACND gives you a unique opportunity to engage with a diverse audience of professionals, neurodivergent individuals, carers, families, educators, and medical practitioners (to name just a few!).
We've created a number of sponsorship packages, designed to provide exclusive branding visibility for your investment.
Explore our sponsorship options in further detail by clicking on the button below.