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Anna Clarke, Registered Psychologist, Play Therapist

Inclusive Practise

DGP Anna Clarke 011

Concurrent Session: Inclusive Practise For All: The Neurodiversity Affirming Movement In Action

Presenting In Person

Anna is a proud Autistic/ADHD person who is a Psychologist, Play Therapist, EMDRAA Accredited Consultant, and Co-Founder/Co-Director of Divergent Futures (providing education and training in Neurodiversity Affirming practise for health professionals) . She is a passionate supporter of the Neurodiversity Affirming Movement, which aims to increase self-determinism and well-being for people whose neurodevelopmental differences have traditionally been viewed as “disordered”.

More Speakers

Professor Amanda Kirby, Ph.D.
Amanda Kirby 2023 Feb

Professor Amanda Kirby

Developmental Coordination
Dr David Cross, Professor of Psychology
David cross headshot purple background

Dr David Cross

Keynote Address
Professor Tony Attwood & Dr Michelle Garnett, PhD
Attwood and Garnett photo

Professor Tony Attwood & Dr Michelle Garnett

Dr Govind Krishnamoorthy, PhD
Govind Krishnamoorthy

Dr Govind Krishnamoorthy

Neurodiverse Education
Dr Jed Baker, PhD.
Jed Baker

Dr Jed Baker

Behaviour Support
Dr Sarah Egan
Dr Sarah Egan

Dr Sarah Egan

Eating Disorders
Dr Elspeth Stevenson and Dr Robyn McCarthy, Qualified RBRI Practitioner

Dr Elspeth Stevenson and Dr Robyn McCarthy

Trust Based Relational Intervention
Camelia Wilkinson, MAPS FCEDP
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Camelia Wilkinson

Secondary to Tertiary Transition
Annelil Desille
Annelil photo work

Annelil Desille

Raelene Dundon
Thumbnail Raelene Photo

Raelene Dundon

Autistic Play
Dr Erin McKay
Erin Mc Kay

Dr Erin McKay

Donna Blanchard, CEO Autism Tasmania
Donna Blanchard photo

Donna Blanchard

Capacity Building
Paige Humm
Paige Humm

Paige Humm

Nina-Rae Smith, Social Work Practitioner
Nina Rae Smith

Nina-Rae Smith

Dr Siobhan Lamb, B.Sc, MTeach, MEd, PhD
Siobhan Lamb

Dr Siobhan Lamb

Neurodiverse Education
Jess Feary
Jess Feary 2019

Jess Feary

Neurodiverse Education
Sophie Harrington and Dr Vanessa Spiller
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Sophie Harrington and Dr Vanessa Spiller

Amanda Karo
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Amanda Karo

Inclusive Practise
Caitlin Winter
ARACY Caitlin Winter April23

Caitlin Winter

Inclusive Practise
Dr Sam Calder, PhD
Samuel Calder 2021389

Dr Sam Calder

Kerryn Burgoyne
Kerryn Burgoyne

Kerryn Burgoyne

Living With Neurodiversity
Yvette Anderson
Yvette Anderson

Yvette Anderson

Living With Neurodiversity
Cassandra Lobley, PhD candidate
Cassie Lobley

Cassandra Lobley

Neurodiverse Education